Summer Training Experience

Ethnus Josh Scholarship Program || Udemy Courses

Sadhil Chhabra
5 min readAug 25, 2022

Hello Everyone, I am here to discuss my Summer Training Experience with you today. I am in my 4th Year, studying B Tech Computer Science at Bennett University.

This Summer, in June and July, I completed training offered by the Ethnus Group, and the name of the training was Josh Scholarship Program. Secondly, to extend my summer training experience, I also completed 2 Udemy Certifications to enhance my interpersonal skills. This whole learning Experience was good, and I learned a lot of new skills during my whole journey; further, in this blog, I will discuss with you what I accomplished in these 2 months.

JOSH Scholarship Program

So, let us first talk about the training offered by the Ethnus Group. I got selected for this training program by giving an exam organized by the Ethnus Group nationally. This training was 100 hours total, including 60 hours of live lectures, assignments, and assessments and 40 hours of recorded lectures and assessments.

They taught us the basics of Java like Classes and Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Constructors, Destructors and about, method overloading and method overriding, and many more.

Then after this, they went into some Data structures like List, Stack, Queues, Linked List, Searching and Sorting techniques, Trees, Heaps, Graphs, and many more. So this is what they taught us in Java for around 16 days.

Now in the third week, they started teaching us Quantitative Aptitude. Some topics they taught us are Number Properties, Time Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Ranking and Arrangements, Ratio and Proportion, and the list continues.

Then in the fourth week, they started teaching us Reasoning and Verbal Aptitude. Some topics they taught us are Error Spotting and Sentence Correction, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Completion, Clocks and Calendars, Coding and Decoding, Number Series, Letter Series, and the list continues.

At last, in the fifth week, they taught us how to build a Resume, perform well in a group discussion, and prepare for an interview.

Udemy Certifications

Now let us talk about the Udemy Certifications. This Summer, in June and July, I completed 2 Udemy Certifications that are Front End Web Development Ultimate Guide 2022 (Instructor: Learn Tech Plus) and The Complete 2022 Web Development Boot-camp (Instructor: Dr Angela Yu).

Front End Web Development Ultimate Guide 2022

This Course was around 91.5 hours long. The instructor firstly taught boilerplate HTML, headings, paragraphs, anchor tags, lists, tables, and many more. Then he taught how to handle images, audio, and video files using HTML.

After that moving forward, he taught how to use CSS to make the Website more presentable and good-looking. In CSS, he taught us everything from the basics to grids, flexbox, and many more.

Then after CSS, he taught us JavaScript. In JavaScript, he taught from the basics what are variables, datatypes, strings, loops, and arrays and eventually moved towards the advanced topics like functions, classes, objects, spread operators, and many more. He also told us some basics about AJAX, which is Asynchronous JavaScript.

Now they taught us Bootstrap, a framework of CSS that enhances the website’s overall look. Then in Bootstrap, they taught us the basics and eventually progressed to topics like Popover and ScrollSpy.

Then they taught us about JQuery, a framework of JavaScript that is lightweight and uses fewer lines of code than JavaScript. Then they told us about Version Control systems, like GIT and GitHub, how they work, and their need.

The Complete 2022 Web Development Boot-camp

This course was around 65.5 hours long. The last course was a Front End Web Development course, but this course is a Full Stack Web Development course.

They taught HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery and Version Control concepts in the first two weeks. This section helped me revise my concepts from earlier.

But after this in the third week they taught us about MERN stack that is MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, and its value in Web-Development.

After that, we learned about APIs, what they are, and some basic concepts about APIs, such as how to fetch APIs from links, etc.

Then, they taught us about different kinds of databases: Relational and non-Relational. In Relational databases, they taught us about SQL and MySQL servers. Then they taught us about non Relational databases and gave us some basic ideas about Google’s Firebase and MongoDB.

At the end of the course, they went into detail about everything in React.js, from basics to advanced topics like react-render, function components, events, props, router, and hooks.

Below are some Screenshots of my Portfolio Website that I build this summer after learning the required skills

Thank You
Hope you liked viewing my work



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